December 17, 2012

How to Create Lamb's Ear Roses

Happy Holidays, all!  I had the most beautiful lamb's ears this year in my garden and I decided to use them as ornaments for a simple pine wreath combined with sea holly and wild dark blue berries gathered from the farm.

As centers I used the fuzzy pods from my Star Magnolia tree.

I used three lamb's ear roses and one unopened blossom at the top.
Simple and fun to put together.
How to make lamb's ear roses for your home.
Gather lamb's ear leaves in all sizes.  You will use the smaller leaves for the centers and the larger leaves for the outside petals.
Begin with a stem cutting from your garden.  Look for unopened buds or seed pods on your shrubs and trees.  You will need a stem approximately three inches in length.
Fold a small lamb's ear leaf in half and wire the leaf at the ends onto the stalk of the woody stem you selected earlier from your garden.  Continue folding small leaves in half and wiring onto the stem.  Once you have petals all around the stem select a larger leaf and fold in half and add as the next layer of petals on your rose.
You will continue working in the round adding petals until your rose has reached the desired size.
I used thin floral wire to wire the petals in place onto the woody stem.
For the unopened blossom you will just add a round of small petals - no need to fold in half.  Use your smallest petals.
You can use this same method using any plant material that will hold together once folded in half.  Corn husks, leaves, etc.

1 comment:

cynthia newman said...

Wow! I can't believe you came up with this! What a beautiful idea!
Cynthia (aka tarheelpip!)