March 27, 2009

A Little Bit of Spring

Dogwood Blossom from my tree.

It's rumored by our local meterologists that we will receive snowfall tomorrow - up to six inches of snow in Kansas. The tulips are in bloom, the jonquils, crocus, grape hyacinth, daffodils, narcissis......sigh.

We have been having balmy days at times in the 70's and everyone has Spring Fever. We are so ready to be in our gardens digging in the dirt planting our seedlings. So full of hope for the upcoming growing season where we will harvest our wonderful flowers in a few months time.
Molly and Angus love to sit at this window in the living room where they keep watch over the garden. From this vantage point they can see all the "goings on" in the garden. The birds, bees and butterflies are welcome, but the dreaded chipmunk and squirrel are NOT ALLOWED. Angus and Molly race for the door to be released into the garden to chase away all four legged visitors. However, they make such a racket going down the stairs into the garden that any critters that were there have a big head start.
This is my tiny vegetable garden in the city that is located in my backyard. I plant herbs, tomatoes, strawberries, asparagus, green peppers, sunflowers, and green beans. We harvest lots of tomatoes in the Summer and my very favorite tomato of all is the Sungold cherry tomato. Molly loves them as well and will delicately grasp one in her teeth and gently pull it from the vine, run into the yard, lie down and munch away. She just loves them.
Herbs gone wild in the garden - basil, oregano, chives, and thyme. The euchinaca or coneflowers are there for color and honey bees.
This little spot is tucked away by my potting table and I fill it with low growers like alyssium, sedum, iris, lady's mantle, forget me nots, and petunias. I also plant morning glories to grow up the trellis and a lovely tea rose.
This is my potting table in the garden my hubby made me from a repurposed cast iron sink with a functioning faucet. I love it. The sink was in a house that we renovated and was going to be thrown away - Oh No, don't throw that away, I can use that! How many times has by hubby heard me say that? Countless....
Another section of the flower garden for the tall growers like cleome. Molly is always in search of chippies (chipmunks) when she is in the garden. She is certain that they are hiding everywhere underneath the flowers. They are fat little things as they feed on the bird seed that I fill the feeders with year around.

I love my various little gardens that I fill with flowers, herbs, and - well, anything I like. I have a lounger that I sit in at the end of the day under a flowering plum tree with a glass of wine listening to the bees hum, and watch the butterflies flutter from blossom to blossom. It's my favorite end to a day.

I can endure the upcoming snow flurry knowing that in only a few short months I will be in the garden enjoying another lovely sunset.

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