Wisdom tells me I am nothing;
Love tells me I am everything.
Between the two, my life flows.
- Buddha
White Chrysallis Earrings
Love tells me I am everything.
Between the two, my life flows.
- Buddha

I begin every morning the same way, a cup of green tea, and pen in hand as I make my "to do" list for the day. I put everything that I want to do down no matter how insignificant and then prioritize the items on the list starting with the must do and usually stop after 8 items have been listed in order or importance.
I have learned that if I don't prioritize my day - it's gets away from me. How did we get so many things to do in any given day? Like finish jewelry for orders, doctor's appointments, kid duties, household chores, errands, watering plants, taking care of pets, returning phone calls to my friends, exercise, blog, etc. Stop the madness! But, we can't - can we?
So, it's back to the list... After I make my list I then place a time allotment on each item to see if I can get all of these things completed in just one day. If not, something has to go back on the list for the next day. It's hard to find the time to create in all of these responsibilities, but I must create or I get grouchy... I must create or I get bummed out. I must create or I loose touch with who I am...
I have learned that if I don't prioritize my day - it's gets away from me. How did we get so many things to do in any given day? Like finish jewelry for orders, doctor's appointments, kid duties, household chores, errands, watering plants, taking care of pets, returning phone calls to my friends, exercise, blog, etc. Stop the madness! But, we can't - can we?
So, it's back to the list... After I make my list I then place a time allotment on each item to see if I can get all of these things completed in just one day. If not, something has to go back on the list for the next day. It's hard to find the time to create in all of these responsibilities, but I must create or I get grouchy... I must create or I get bummed out. I must create or I loose touch with who I am...

Somehow, I manage to squeeze in studio time and share the photos of my work with you. Time spent doing what I love - learning new techniques and experimenting with sterling silver wire is me time - it's reminds me of who I am deep inside.

I long to spend one solid week in the studio, but I have been dreaming of that for a couple of years... Someday. Someday. Someday. Until then, I squeeze in studio time at least three times each week. I am trying to get inventory ready for a Holiday show and another show in early 2010. Will I have enough inventory? It's a good motivator to stay productive when I am in the studio. I organize my drawings in order of production so that when I sit at the bench I crank out alot of work. Every moment counts... This usually helps me stay focused, but there are days when I just struggle through and feel like I didn't accomplish much at the end of the day.

I take my creations to the farm with me and photograph them there in an environment that always brings out my creative side - it's quiet, peaceful and very relaxing. Exactly what every artist needs to allow the mind to play. I usually do my best design work there as well.

The light is always better in the country - why is that? My best photographic efforts happen there and when I come home after a long weekend I am ready to edit and post the photos of my work for this blog, and online stores.

xo - Julie
I wanted to plant pumpkins this year, but refrained since the house was up for sale. I'll be glad to try next year. I like the idea of lists, they help me too. Soon, I will be packing up my craft stuff and it'll have to wait until we arrive in Maine. At least I'll get a room all to myself!!
Please tell more about the holiday show!
Oh Julie...this post was so beautiful! I love your farmhouse...I can almost hear the wind blowing through the trees. It's a wonderful subject for photography.
Your little pumpkins are precious. The real ones and the furry ones...what a great idea!
And as for your jewelry...it's always a treat to see what you come up with...so lovely!!!!
Now go tend to that list, you have half of the day left ;)
everything vintage
Hi Julie! Your jewelry is beautiful!!! I'm sooo impressed you make a list and prioritize every morning! I bought some "baby boo" pumpkin seeds this year, but alas, things got away from me and I did not get a chance to plant them...next year for sure!
:) T
Oh so very sweet!!
You have a great blog !! Beautiful jewelry and I love your recycling ideas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorgeous earrings. I have not attempted jewellery (as yet!). Thanks for the comment you left on my blog, so kind!
PS I'm not entirely sure about zetti myself, but it seems to involve longs legs, stripes and quirky faces!!
Ahh Julie, I love you wittle pumkins they look so sweet and promising in your wonderful hands. Like the angle on the house what a great place to unwind and gather up thoughts about what really matters. LOVE
Ahh Julie I love your wittle pumpkins in your wonderful hands they look so promising. The farm house shot I love that angle. What a great place to gather thought of what is most important.
That sweet white pumpkin is so darling and I love how you have used it in your decorating.
Your jewelry is lovely.
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