March 9, 2010

KC Willis Inspired Denim Jacket

 Mysterious Fairy Denim Jacket, Size 10 - Purchase Here

Sometimes you just have to sew.  An afternoon spent with the sewing machine, a fabulous image of a ginger haired fairy, vintage crochet, old shell buttons, blue tassels and beaded ribbon and a denim jacket... all inspired by the book, Creating With Fabric by Jill Haglund featuring one of my favorite artists - KC Willis.

I ran silk photo fabric through my inkjet printer to achieve a silky almost transparent image of the beautiful fairy with butterflies in her hair.  This gave her a mystical quality that all fairies possess.  I added the silver bird charm and used a base of vintage crochet for the collage.  I added sequined and embroidered ribbon just above the blue tassels at the bottom of the panel to ground the entire piece.

I added silk yarn and three white vintage shell buttons along the side of the fairy panel.

I printed out one of my favorite expressions on cotton twill fabric again ran through my inkjet printer and stitched it into place just below the image.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious" Albert Einstein


I love this image and the final result ala KC Willis style.  You can sign up for one of KC's Collage Camp's online by visiting her at this link


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh baby, this Ozarks farm chick is just lovin' this jean jacket. I usually don't cotton the the denim jackets but this one is soooo special and girly. It ya ever tire of it....just sayin!

God bless ya'll from the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!

Narrative jewelry said...

Waooooh ! Love your awesome faire Denim jacket Julie, so original ! I didn't know that silk photo fabric, it seems to be really interesting to make transferts.
Thanks to share.


Stacey Bruce said...

You are amazing. And I love the new slide show. :)

Caddie said...

Beautiful jackets. Can't wait to read your whole blog and Etsy shop.

The Other Side of Me said...

Hi Julie,

This came out amazing. I can't wait to take one of KC'c classes at Lee's farm this Fall. Do try to come!!!


Rustique Gal said...

Julie, this jacket is so pretty. I love the fairy image. Also the collage style! Nice! Sherry

Sharon said...

So beautiful and the fairy is perfect!

Anonymous said...

Cool- do you think you an come in the fall?? And bring your book- KC can autograph it. LOL

Tami said...

GORGEOUS jacket!!! Wear with pride!