June 29, 2011

Belle Armoire Jewelry Feature

I know like me,  you religiously go to your local Barnes and Noble Bookseller to pick up the latest issue of  Belle Armoire Jewelry Magazine before they are soldout.  I adore this magazine and have every issue printed over the past few years.  It continues to be a source of inspiration and it connects me although it be vicariously to other jewelry artists.

The most amazing thing happened to me a sweet.sweet.sweet and very talented jewelry artist on the West Coast by the name of Riki Schumacher connected me to Diane Cook another sweet.sweet.sweet and talented artist.  You must visit thir blogs and view their lovely jewelry creations. 

This connection lead, Diane to invite me to be a part of a collaboration with the theme of using the same focal point called Marianne which is available from Brass Bouquet along with hundreds of other great elements.  Well, I was just beyond pleased, excited, honored, and ectastically happy.happy.happy to be asked let me tell you.

Seven very talented artists agreed to participate and Diane wrote a brilliant article and six months later here we are in print in our favorite jewelry magazine. 

I drove to two Barnes and Noble locations before I found any available copies.  Just as I was putting my hands on the magazine on the shelf my phone rang and it was my best girl, Stacey.  I told her she would never believe what I was doing.  I was actually at Barnes and Noble picking up a magazine that had a piece of my jewelry inside...eeeeek....it's just too much!

That's my creation above featuring found objects:  mother of pearl buttons, a mother of pearl "Mother" broach, a crystal oval and lots of vintage chain.  Pearls and Turquoise one of my favorite combinations and a resin hand that I created from a vintage hand pin using a mold, crystals and metal tidbits.

My Mom had been in the hospital and she was in my thoughts as we almost lost her.  As I worked in my studio she became the inspiration for the necklace.  I filled this necklace with things that remind me of her.  She once gave me a huge jar of buttons that her Aunt had given her as a child to play with when she spent time at her house.  One of my Mom's favorite rings was from a family vacation to Wyoming - a huge turquoise creation.  My Mom also has the most beautiful hands...I remember looking at her hands as a little girl thinking how lovely her nails always looked.  I thought my Mom was elegant, beautiful and I was always so proud that she was my Mom.

What a great opportunity to be a part of this collaboration...It was a wonderful experience and I think that every single necklace is spectacular.  But, why wouldn't they be, these are some of the most talented gals in the business.

What a lovely Summer necklace, don't you think by the uber talented Molly Alexander?
Love the colors Molly selected for her necklace.

Diana Frey style is always romantically fabulous - her trademark.  I think Fabulous must be her middle name!

This necklace is by Marie Dodd even though it says Riki's name in print.  Marie has a steampunk vibe that I just love in her work.

Diane and Rikki's necklaces are so fitting to be side by side as they are dear friends and gal pals.  Both of these ladies create romantic found object creations that are unique one of a kind creations - truly wearable art pieces.  Love them both (& the necklaces too!).

The last necklace is by Cindy Wimmer and is a Victorian dream...beautiful blue heaven...with amazing roses and lovely fibers...beautiful work Cindy.

Thank you, Diane for including me in this collaboration...it has been my dream come true.

Now go out and visit these talented ladies blogs!

Diane Cook - Rosa & Josies Blog
Diana Frey - Diana Frey Blog
Riki Schumacher - Riki Jewelry Blog
Cindy Wimmer - Sweet Bead Studio Blog
Marie Dodd - Maire Dodd Blog
Molly Alexander - Beautifully Broken Me Blog
and Brass Bouquet

Blessings my Friends - Julie


Pretty Things said...

I snagged that magazine FAST! I was so proud to see all of you in it (and was SO GLAD I didn't try that challenge like I thought about doing -- I would have totally embarrassed myself).


Alice said...

I love Belle Amoire Jewelry too, and often get them for a discount on the Stampington website since they are usually gone by the time I get to the bookstore.

The feature was so inspiring. How fun it must have been to collaborate with such talented artists! Your mother sounds like a wonderful lady. Your necklace is a beautiful reminder of how special mothers are.

Me! said...

Oh Julie! Congratulations! Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Gosh I hope there's a copy left at our Barne's and Noble! It is gorgeous! And the article is positively wonderful!

In the Light of the Moon said...

Julie I am sooo thrilled for you.Of course I knew a while back when I picked up the magazine and I was so happy for all of the wonderful woman in this article.Congrats to you!!Hugs,Cat

angela recada said...

Wow! Congratulations on being featured in such a terrific magazine! Your necklace is beautiful.

I hope your mom is feeling better again. And the pin in your previous post is absolutely gorgeous. Love it!

Esther said...

Congrats dear Julie !! it seems a beautiful collaboration, i will receive my copy this afternoon ans see that nearer!!

Dorthe said...

Dear Julie, congratulations, how very wonderful-I love your necklace,- and the other shown are lovely, too-

beautifullybrokenme said...

Hi Julie -

What fun this challenge was, eh? I love your post and the story behind your necklace, and am looking forward to seeing many more of your pieces in print!

:) Molly

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations on being featured in such a lovely magazine! All the necklaces are beautiful. Each one is better than the other. - Eddie @adiamor.com

Lana Manis said...

Congratulations Julie! Your piece is beautiful! I recognize many of those names, especially Molly Alexander. I got to know sweet Molly through her blog and by having her do a guest post on mine.

Diane said...

What a great post about our little collaboration dear Julie! Your piece has such a beautiful story behind it...one that should be sung from the mountaintops! I know your mother must be so proud of you =) Thanks again for being a part of this adventure....it was fun wasn't it? xo