The girls found this fellow while watering the flower box planted with cabbages. He (she?) has been feasting on the white cabbage moth larvae. Rebecca shared her discovery with her husband, Jeff and these are his photos he shared with us.
The shot above is my favorite - I love the definition of the praying mantis against the soft background. Look at his antennae - Doesn't he seem to have an intelligent contenance?

He's a big one, almost 4 inches in length.

He looks like he is waving - or motioning for Jeff to come just a little closer.

Okay, in this shot he is beginning to look a little miffed. Time to move along, Jeff.

My what creepy green eyes you have. How close did you have to get for this shot, Jeff? I too, am fascinated by nature and love to see lots of "good bugs" in my garden. However, these guys still creep me out.
I hear that my little friend is back! heh heh . . .and bigger than ever. I can't wait to come by and play with him again. I'll stop by this afternoon when I get off work at the college. I'm so excited!!!
Would you be able to share what camera and lense you used to shoot your friend's picture. They're awesome!
These photos were taken by Jeff Garutte - "The camera that I use exclusively is the Canon EOS Rebel XTi and the lenses that I used for those shots are the Nifty 50 (Canon EF 50mm 1:1.8) and the Canon Zoom EF-S 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6 II."
"I really think the key to those shots were to get as close as possible when taking them. . .this may freak some people out when the subject matter can jump at them (or on them!) at any given moment. I rather enjoy that part." :-)
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