June 28, 2010

Bracelet for Farmgirl Robyne

Hey Y'all, here is a little ole bracelet that I put together for a sweet little farmgirl named Robyne.  Farmgirl Robyne wanted an accessory to proclaim her farmgirl status and requested a black leather, cuz she's a tough little gal.  I added a silver plate with FARMGIRL stamped on the front.

I'm so happy that being a farmgirl has elevated status these days, thanks to the ultimate farmgirl - Mary Jane Butters.  Don't we all just love her?  When I was growing up it wasn't so cool being a country farmgirl.  My city cousins thought we talked funny and were a little bit too unsavy of city ways.  Basically, they thought we were hicks and I guess we were.  But, whenever I visited them in the city I couldn't wait to get back home to the farm.  Boy, did I ever get home sick - or should I say farm sick.  I remember teaching them how to climb over a barbed wire fence without getting snagged, bait a fish hook, ride our mini bike, drink from a hose in the well so we wouldn't have to go inside, and swim in the creek.  I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything in the world.  I loved riding horses with my friends, driving that great big hay truck during hay season, and spending every Sunday afternoon at my Grandma's house just down the road with all of my cousins.  The fried chicken dinners were something special.  My Grandma Hannah Mae was the very best cook and the thought of her peach cobblers still makes my mouth water.

The last time we were at the farm, traveling down our dusty gravel road we saw a tractor ahead and as we got closer we saw a long blonde pony tail dangling beneath a straw cowboy hat.  As we passed, it was one of our neighbor's wives heading out to the field to cut hay.  I so wanted to pull over and jump out to snap her photo, but I didn't have my darn camera in the truck with me.  Yes maam, I said T-R-U-C-K.  I drive around in a white Chevy pickup when I am at the farm.  I like sitting high in the seat!

Don't ya just love the vintage feed sack in the background of these shots?  I sure do.  It's one of my favorites and makes a nice background for Robyne's farmgirl bracelet.  I just finished the bracelet today, took the photos, sent an email to Robyne with photos attached to see if she likes the design.  I'll let you know what she thinks.

Tomorrow I head back to the country to get the farm ready for the July 4th weekend celebrations.  It's one of my favorite holidays and I am looking forward to another small town Independence Day celebration.

Blessings - Julie


Oklahoma Granny said...

Love the bracelet and I'd bet my bottom dollar that she will too.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oooh, neat! :-)

Sara said...

Es super bonita!!

Dorthe said...

Hi dear,
Thanks for your greeting, -Love this bracelet, a real countryfarm artpiece.
Thanks Julie, I`m doing fine, having my 2 grandchildren here this week,without mom-and dad realy makes me happy,-and well tired :)
Hope you are well,and happy ,too.

Caterina Giglio said...

great piece Julie and I love your booth below, just fab!

Riki Schumacher said...

Too cute Julie, she should love it. Have a fun small town 4th celebration. I'll be doing the same in my little island town, its such a cute and small celebration. Take care, hugs, Riki

Anonymous said...

Very cool. It's funny, gowing up on a farm I really didn't feel that way. I guess we just felt lucky. I can say, wholeheartedly though, that I hate gleening/gleaning corn and picking rocks!! And doing hay. And straw- too prickly.