January 5, 2010

The Five Precepts - New Year's Resolution

Okay, it's that time of year for reflection, and planning for the New Year.... The funny thing about planning is that - it hardly ever works out.... Like the classic...I'm going to loose ten pounds... I think I said that last year at this time and guess what? I am still carrying around the same ten pounds from last year and maybe a couple more.

Another favorite of mine is... I'm going to exercise more this Winter. Again, this is always challenging for me....I have discipline issues...Structure is always a challenge for me - I am so easily distracted by the kids, family, friends, my art, my couch, a good book - well you get the idea.

So, this year I will try to do something even more difficult...following the Five Precepts...

I vow to abstain from harming living beings.
I vow to abstain from taking what is not freely given.
I vow to abstain from sexual misconduct.
I vow to abstain from incorrect speech.
I vow to abstain from intoxicants that lead to heedlessness.

Does abstaining from harming living beings include bugs??? I need clarification here.... If so, I'll have a real challenge on my hands not to kill spiders, flies, and creepy crawlies. I'll work at this, but the flies are probably a lost cause, including all the creepy crawlies that I can't get outside without hurting myself in the process. This will ensure some excitement around my house with lots of squealing on my part as I run for the door while trying to keep an eye on the bug crawling around on the newspaper, so that it doesn't crawl up my arm or touch my hand. My panic often causes me to throw the newspaper on the floor and call for Sweet Molly to "get the buggy" which she does with a few quick clicks of her teeth....Good Girl Molly! Hopefully, there will be fewer of these hysterical moments in the coming year at the farm.

Abstaining from taking what is not freely given. Another tough one since it includes emotional support when I am feeling hurt, confused, angry, or sad - all those emotions attached to expectation that make me want to dump on anyone who will listen. I will try to become more comfortable in my discomfort which will be a challenge for me. Thank goodness for Angus, my rat terrier, he is especially good at listening to me complain and always does the right thing - like lick my hand or snuggle closer. Aren't pets the best?! He always gets a cookie out of it so it's a win-win for both of us.

I can abstain from sexual misconduct - no problem here...I'm just not that exciting in general. I think that is probably the case with most of us....I mean - really. We aren't nearly as exciting as we think we are when it comes down to the nitty- gritty. For those of you out there that are... you are as rare as a unicorn and forgive me for being sexist - usually of the male persuasion. I know, I said it...sorry guys. See the next precept below....apparently the next precept will be challenging for me as well...

Abstaining from incorrect speech, well this will be the most difficult for me - I'll shoot for an improvement in this area - a definite work in progress as I can't seem to keep my big bazoo closed as often as I would like...some people call it putting your foot in your mouth...hopefully there will be fewer instances where I feel like a total jerk later for saying something thoughtless...I really hate that when it happens and I can wallow in the resulting guilt for days.

Abstaining from intoxicants, I gave up alcohol this year in my resolve for a healthier me in 2010 - so I'm okay here.

Sigh. Maybe loosing ten pounds would be easier now that I think about it....but, it's a worthy endeavor as it will benefit those around me...one step closer to getting outside my own selfish desires...baby steps...tiny baby steps...even teeny tiny steps inch you closer to who you would like to be...

One of my favorite sayings that sums it up...

I am thankful that thus far today
I have not had any unkind thoughts
or said any harsh words or
done anything that I regret.

However, now I need to get out
of bed and so things may
become more difficult...


Riki Schumacher said...

Wow, you are ambitious Julie! Good for you. I love what you wrote, look forward to hearing about your progress. I just chose a word for the new year, something I can actually stick to maybe! Ha ha. "Forward" is my word, works for so many things for me. Best of luck my friend on your new year's journey. It will be wonderful. Take care, Riki

The Quintessential Magpie said...

LOL, Julie! I love that quote.

Strive to do the best you can and forgive yourself when you fail to live up to your expectations.

I didn't eat sweets over Christmas, and for the first time in YEARS, I lost five pounds. I normally pack on five to ten! So I am happy. I also gave up bread because I'm a carb addict. While this wasn't a resolution, it did require resolve... lots of it! LOL!

Am not going to do resolutions this year because I failed to achieve mine last year for various reasons. So this year, anything I accomplish I will consider a resolution since I resolved to get it done! ;-) Sure makes life easier...


Sheila :-)

Sissy Sparrows said...

What a GREAT post....I couldn't peel away from it, I was laughing with you....you do write so well! Get the buggy was quite funny....I'm with you on that one! And the weight thing resolution.....that sounds just like me as well! Have a great year Julie....look forward to chatting with you over time!

Sharon said...

Ah, New Year resolutions with a sense of humor! I think I'll stick with my new word " discipline", aka, "don't you have any self- control?!" Now for that last, lonely Christmas cookie...

Susan Richards said...

I have big shoulders - dump away!

Lorna said...

Without baby steps a lot of us would be sunk! Bugs; I take them outside when possible. That includes wasps, which can be scary (I talk to the scary ones as I go -- gives courage lol). And it's fun racking up coins in the karma bank!

Leslie @ Bei Mondi said...

Julie, you are a hoot! Please, kill the bugs otherwise they will continue to multiply! Oh, and I love your saying. It's so true.

Deb said...

Funny how our dogs know just the right thing to do :-)
Your favourite saying is wonderful! Happy New Year Julie ♥

Lee Weber said...

What an awesome post! It really made me chuckle. You can lean on me anytime- friendship and shoulder given freely! xoxo