Could it be the mystery surrounding them? What purpose did they serve, whose hand held them before mine? I wonder where they were used - what lock did this key fit into?
I picked this key up at an estate sale that I stumbled onto in a little white bungalow on a lonely dead end street. It was an estate sale filled with things I love and I loaded up on keys, watches, glassware, vintage purses and a garden knome.
I use vintage keys in my work whenever possible, this particular key was hammered and shaped into a curve to fit onto a fabric cuff bracelet with the word BE stamped on the shank.
BE is a common thought of mine, a reminder to BE in the moment - something I have to work at constantly. My mind races with thoughts of design, things I need to do in my day to day life, things I "should" be doing, and plans for the future...always seeking...grasping...clinging...
It can be exhausting at times. The more things I add to my "to do" list the more frantic my thoughts become...

Try it - BE present in the moment and watch your monkey mind begin to jump around...clinging, grasping, swinging from thought to thought...

My question to you dear friends - When was the last time you could BE in the Moment? How do you relax? Where does your monkey mind go?
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Cool, funky, and just gorgeous! Love it, Julie!
Dear julie!, Thanks for the visit and comment on my blog! was a real pleasure to know your wonderful creations!, congratulations for your beautiful blog!.
I hope to read them soon from me, I will follow and will comment very happy here with you ^ ^.
A hug!.
that is gorgeous...i love how you incorporated the key...that is really clever and looks fantastic!!!
Julie!! just perfect and amazing!! very coooooooooooooool!! i love all your work, but this one is so unique!!
Hi Julie....I just found your blog, and have spent a LOT of time on have amazing jewelry, I love all the wire work....and LOVE keys as well. You also have great writing skills that keep your fellow bloggers captive! Look forward to following your journey!
This is so pretty and so mysterious too--I wonder what the key went to. You do lovely work.
I will have to come back another day and check out the links.
I love the idea of Be in the moment. I am always either reliving the BAD past, not the GOOD past, or fearing the BAD future, not the EXTRAORDINARY future. I'm going to try and be better about this. Thanks for the reminder.
Dear Julie,
your cuff is fantastic beautifull,and the work you did with the key so wonderfull.What a piece of art.
Love and hugs, Dorthe
Lovely- my "key" word is BREATHE.
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