September 30, 2011

Smitten With Vintage Silver Spoons

I had so much fun at the UNPlaza Art Fair last weekend, it was glorious Fall weather - the kind that makes you look up and give thanks for such a blessing to enjoy.  Thank you all for stopping by to see me at the show - loved.loved.loved seeing you.

One reoccurring discussion at the show was the deep love we ladies have for two things....vintage shell buttons and silver spoons.  Once being referred to as waumpom  No one really knew why they were drawn to them - it's one of those indescribeable things we ladies have in common - young and old.

This is my latest leather cuff featuring - yup, a vintage silver spoon.  The leather is soft, wide and black.  I love it so much that I will be adding more of them in different versions to my etsy shop soon.  If I can keep them in stock, I will have them at my next show which is coming up soon.

The Shawnee Indian Mission Fall Festival in Fairway, Kansas on October 8th & 9th.  I will be sharing a booth with the lovely ladies of the Kansas City Fiber Guild - how fabulous is that???  It's that time of year to get your "fiber" on and these ladies know how to create extraordinary wearable art pieces that are a must see and add to your Fall wardrobe.  Hope to see you there.

Blessings to You - Julie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great combo of the spoons and leather! Love it.