June 21, 2010

Lady Liberty and Chippy Mary

In honor of the upcoming Fourth of July, Lady Liberty is gracing my kitchen window sill.  I fell in love with her as soon as I found her mellowed vintage glass form in one of my favorite junking shops.  I love the color of the vintage glass as the sunlight streams through my window in the afternoon on a sunny afternoon.

 I like to put vintage bottles, especially cobalt blue glass bottles with a tiny pink blossom from the garden tucked inside the neck of the bottle.  I also put vintage ink wells and apothecary bottles usually in sets of three - the number of instant collections.  Three of anything...makes a nice statement.

The hydrangeas are lovely this year at the farm and I enjoy a huge bouquet each time we visit.  Just before we pack up to leave I hang them to dry in a closet for dried floral arrangements this Fall.  My favorite color of dried hydrangeas are the pale green of the blossoms just before they are in full bloom.

Yes, that's Angus snoozing in one of his favorite places - this time on an ottoman in the sun.

After months of searching I finally found a vintage light fixture that I love for the sitting area just outside the kitchen.  I fell for the glass flowers and large globe that is 18" in diameter.  It took four hands to install this heavy fixture.  Tall husband flexed his handyman muscles putting this vintage fixture together.  The search continues for wall scones that will match the fixture.  I would like white metal and clear glass scones for the space.

This is my Chippy Mary, she watches over my kitchen.  Doesn't she have a lovely patina from years of wear outside in the weather.  She is 28 inches tall and stands atop a matching concrete base with the same patina as the statue.

I don't know what plant this dried specimen is, but I pulled it from my garden last fall and saved it because it has the sweetest bell shaped dried flowers all over it's stems.  I thought the bells would be perfect to cover in PMC (Precious Metal Clay) paste for earrings.  In the meantime, I wound wire around the base of the stem and it adorns my wall above Chippy Mary.

This is the fireplace at the farm that I am trying to learn to love, and it's a struggle for me.  It's just too big, dark and heavy for my personal style, but I am trying... I filled a flat basket with seashells for the Summer.  Finger starfish, barnicles, clams, sand dollars, conchs and various other shells from my collection.

So much better than an empty hearth.

We harvested new red potatoes, a few onions and sugar snap peas from the garden and enjoyed them for our dinner.  Delicious.  The sweet peas were so crisp and sweet in our salad. Yum.

I have been busy preparing for another show this Thursday at a lovely farm of a friend of mine.  I'll share some of my finished pieces and some of the antiques I'll be taking along with you soon.  It's always a mad rush the week before the show.  There are so many new things I want to put together for my shows, I never get them all finished.  But, I keep trying.

What delicious produce have you found in your garden and local Farmer's Market?

Blessings - Julie


Caterina Giglio said...

love your Mary she is gorgeous and is that a Quan Yin in your bird cage?

Alice said...

Julie, I love the light you found for your home. It reminds me if a similar one that graced my grandmother's dining room. Even as a youngster I loved it!

I see what you mean about the fireplace, but you've done a great job brightening it up with the framed print and the seashells.

As far as fresh produce, our little town has nothing--so my mouth waters whenever I hear about farmers markets and the like. And, I'm the absolute worst at gardening. If we want fresh from the garden produce, we have to travel.

Thanks for sharing your lovely home with us!

Anonymous said...

The light i so cool!! We need new fixtures SO badly, and I can't even imagine what they would be like. LOVE the shells in the hearth- perfect!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Your blog posts are art, pure and simple. Even the fireplace you are trying to love was nice. But by far my favorite thing was Lady Liberty. What a neat find.