May 24, 2010

Broken Heart Formed Copper Necklace

Copper Broken Heart Necklace - Purchase Here

Another installment from last week's creations, a broken copper heart that has been mended with brown leather.  Carefully hand formed from a sheet of copper, contoured with a hammer on the anvil and sealed to retain the vibrant copper sheen.  The pendant is suspended from a sterling silver beaded chain.

I spent a blissful morning working in my flower garden today.  I pulled weeds, trimmed my flowering shrubs, tied up my clemantis vine, pruned the white lilacs, and added dead leaves and other garden debris to my composting pile.  I love my garden and can spend hours in there...puttering around as my husband calls the process of me wandering around with my pruners in hand inspecting each plant.

My son, Chris and I went to our local Home Depot for more mulch, they have a beautiful color this year called Forest Brown.  It looks really nice covering the path through the flowers.

Molly, my Jack Russell terrier is my garden buddy.  She stays with me no matter how long I work, right by my side as I work sniffing the plants and the newly disturbed dirt.  She sniffs along and then stops and begins to dig.  I used to shoo her out of my flower beds, but now I just let her enjoy herself with her snout buried deep into the hole she has dug, snorting and snuffling like a little piglet.  It's really quite amusing when she does that.  Dan will walk by and ask me how my little pig is doing?

Here's Molly bounding up the steps with one of her rawhide chewbies - she adores them and my vet says that she has the cleanest teeth of any dog her age that she has seen.  It also helps with the doggy breath...and most importantly keeps her occupied.  Chewing on the rawhides is so much better than my furniture that she would surely be gnawing if I didn't occupy her with the rawhides.  That terrier energy has to go somewhere and if I don't control how it is expended then Molly surely will in not so pleasing ways.  I love the breed and have found ways that we can all live happily together.

Look at my beautiful little pears that are just beginning to form on my trees...aren't they sweet?

Thank you for the feedback on my postings, it really helps the creative process when you get opinions from others...I love the collaborative process between artists and friends.

Blessings and a Hug - Julie


Numinosity said...

I love the heart, Julie! You did a great job with it.

I just found a stash of copper wire in my neighborhood, I think some thieves ditched the cable when they realized it wasn't solidly packed with wire. Now I'm taking home bits to use with my glass.
I also spent yesterday gardening, planting hanging baskets and planting a couple of rows of seeds in the garden. Local wisdom doesn't have us plant any starts until Memorial Day here in the north country, the last zone on the chart- subarctic zone.
xoxo Kim

TesoriTrovati said...

Oh Julie! That pup is adorable! My son has a stuffed version of a Jack Russell. Remember Wishbone? That show always made me want one. Now I know that if I ever have another dog is will be a Jack Russell. And those flowers make me swoon! I cannot grow a darned thing. (Watering? You mean they don't get enough from the rain?) so my plants always look bedraggled and quite like they wish they were in someone else's yard.

Thanks for sharing that story. Enjoy the day! Erin

P.S. Almost forgot...that heart is so beautiful. I love the sentiment and the thought behind it.

Cindy said...

What beautiful pictures and a gorgeous copper heart. Your garden buddy is adorable! :-)

Esther said...

hi julie!! Magnifique heart!! really beautiful!!

Sharon said...

Beautiful heart and beautiful garden, not to mention your Molly who looks like a little spitfire! Enjoy your time amongst the flowers and have a peaceful day. xo

Caterina Giglio said...

gorgeous post your heart is awesome and so is Molly!

Riki Schumacher said...

Hi Julie, love seeing pics of Molly, and with the chewie! Chester loved those, they sure are great for their teeth. Your description of her digging is precious, I can just see her sniffing! Oh yes, let her dig away. And you know why! Gorgeous pear, spring has sprung. Hugs, Riki

cinnibonbon said...

Oh goodness...your jewerly is stunning. I really enjoyed the heart. I have to say though, the lily pad caught my eye!! Hope all is going well with you!!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

That is a stunning piece! Oh, how neat! And look at Molly... she's such a good helper. :-)

Drop by if you get a chance, Julie, it's Mr. Magpie's birthday, and I'm going to have a drawing for some shiny object to be determined when I draw the name and see who it is. It will be tailored to the winner's likes. I have to blog spy before I decide.


Sheila :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Julie! Wish you were closer. I haven't been planting or anything- jsut no mojo, I guess. We have so much to do, I may jsut wait until next year. Although, I should plan on bulbs. But with all of the danged chipmunks around, I'm not sure how many would make it!!

Ingrid Mida said...

A broken heart - but it is mended. I'm sure many of us can relate. It is a beautiful piece.

Unknown said...

Hi! I'm so glad to found. What a wonderful blog you have. Your garden buddy Molly is so cute.
IT Support Melbourne

Deb said...

Hi Julie
Your copper heart & leather necklace design is gorgeous!
Molly is adorable :-)What a cute little garden helper ♥