April 23, 2010

White Bloomers Vintage - Garden - Home Show

White Bloomers Show

May 7th, 8th & 9th


May 13th, 14th & 15th
Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-6 & Sunday 12 - 4
We'll be in the former GardenologyKC Shoppe space at
12202 W. 88th Street
Lenexa, KS 66215

Join us at the former GardenologyKC shoppe space on Mother's Day weekend when we will unveil a new shopping experience you won't want to miss. Bring your Mom to the show and receive a free gift.

If you love shabby chic, vintage, primitives, beautiful one of a kind jewelry, and charming potted containers filled with herbs and gorgeous florals and goodies for your garden then you will be in heaven.

The girls behind White Bloomers are Karen Kessler, Laurie Kessler and myself. We will be bringing you lovely white decor items for your home with a bit of French inspiration and of course vintage garden goods like gates, benches, tables, chairs, statuary, wicker and so much more... I assure you there that once you see it you wonder how you ever lived without!


Karen Kessler has been an antique's dealer for years and will be showcasing some of her collections at the show, bringing vintage items with a Swedish flavor that blends with any decor in shades of white...furniture, wicker, glassware, linens, and children's vintage items. You'll love her style.

Laurie Kessler will be bringing her charming potted creations in vintage containers again this year featuring herbs, flowering annuals, succulents and perennials. They look fabulous on your front porch, garden table and make great hostess gifts.

I will be showcasing more of the Prairie Thistle Jewelry for the show.  This is the latest installment to the Prairie Thistle Jewelry line - a vintage silver spoon transformed into a bracelet with your ancestor's photo on the front of the flattened bowl of a vintage silver spoon.

This bracelet is a custom piece for a young bride to be to present to her mother and her mother in law on her wedding day...the photo is of their mother on her wedding day. Isn't it lovely and what a thoughtful gift to commemorate a very special day.
On the inside I stamped - With Love, the couples wedding date and their initials.

So beautiful...I loved making this bracelet.

The shoppe has been completely redesigned, it's like a breath of fresh Spring air....

While working in the shoppe in the afternoon I was feeling a bit sad thinking that whenever I was at the shop last year a friendly face would appear at the door and I had been working all day and no one had popped in for a visit... But, what did I expect...that was last year and so much has happened since I had to close the doors to my beloved shoppe.
It was like an angel heard my heart's wishes, within 10 minutes a pretty blonde head appeared at my door...she said that she was in the area and felt the urge to stop by even though she knew that we had closed the shoppe. She just stopped by for old time's sake because she always enjoyed the shop so much...and she found me there and she came in to chat with me for a bit. My prayers were answered...maybe her's were as well. Life is like that...

It just makes you want to kick up your heels a bit. I feel like dancing...my heart is so full of joy of the friendship, sisterhood of women and the creative juices are flowing once again. I am in a better place this Spring and I am so grateful.

Bring your grandma, your mom, your sister or your best friend along and enjoy the show. A free gift awaits those that bring their Mom's along.

I know that you will forward this email to your family and friends so that they too can join us at the show so that we will have a good turnout for this event. Forward it to your coworkers, church group, club members and neighbors. Share the joy.

Blessings - Julie


Riki Schumacher said...

What a great post Julie! I'm so glad a friendly face showed up. We are so blessed that we have built this little blog community of talented, and supportive women. It is wonderful. I know your show will be a success, and you will sell many of your beautiful pieces. The wedding bracelets are just precious, they will love them. Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks for stopping by! Hugs,Riki

Lesley Edmonds said...

Wish i wasn't so far away. Have a lovely time.
Lesley x

Anonymous said...

You have been one busy chick. Boy, I feel like I have been doing nothing. Your jewelry is awesome, I may need some of those bracelets!! Good luck with the sale! xoxoxox

Ivy Long, Edera Jewelry said...

Dear Julie,
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments! I do appreciate the kind words about my work :) Your blog and jewelry designs are lovely--I like the way you give new life to vintage spoons :)
Take care,

Elizabeth Maxson said...

Oh, how I LOVE that custom bracelet! Your work so my style. I just love it. Good luck with your show. How long does it take to do a custom piece like that and what is the price range? You have so much talent.

Big hug,

Marcella Lally said...

I heard my friend Pattie and her parents came by. I told them to stop by and to bring the photo of them when they were little tikes together, I knew you would love it!

The shop looked great ~ brought back a lot of memories......