December 14, 2009

LiveArt Giveaway - So Beautiful....

I am a huge fan of Linda Iverson's work, a very talented artist in Norway. I found her blog and became mesmerized by her work. It's colorful, imaginative and a little edgy at times. Don't you love that?

I joined in a giveaway Linda was hosting at her blog LiveArt - it was a very generous giveaway. The lucky winner would be given the opportunity to select any art from her blog - can you imagine??? I was one of the lucky winners - I was so honored to be chosen even if it was random - I felt so special and was very pleased to be selected.

This is the work I chose from her lovely blog. This mixed media work reminds me of "me and my little dog, too" aka - Molly. She is my rescue, Jack Russell terrier from Animal Haven. Molly and I have a unique relationship. If I agree to buy her treats - she will agree to perform tricks for me..... And to be held like a baby in my arms whenever I get needy. I know, I know, that's really a terrible thing to do to a little dog - it's very undignified - but, I spare no expense on Molly's treats so she tolerates it quite well and doesn't seem to mind....too much.

Ms. Molly performing her "sitting in a tire swing" trick so I can take her photo at the farm this Summer. Isn't she the cutest little girl? Having said that - she has a definite "bitchy" side to her nature as well and has been known to scare the beejeebies out of grown men with her snarls and growls. Much like myself in my younger days..... tee hee. I have mellowed with the years, as I hope Ms. Molly will do so also. I used to be quite the spitfire back in the day.... of course, my husband would still insist that I still have quite a bit of spunkiness, especially when it comes to my kids, my friends and family and my sweet pups. Loyal to a fault - that's me.

Just try to take a treat away from Molly..... at your own prevail. I'm like that with chocolate.... She is a small, but mightly little terrier weighing in at 14 pounds. She's small, but has the heart and courage of a Rotweiller.

Linda is so generous that she included a few extra goodies for me to enjoy like this one - don't you just love it???

A closer look at the detail of Linda's work. Linda is another of those fellow artist that I adore and haven't met except through our blogs. The blogging community is the very best, filled with talented and caring people who are willing to share their work and glimpses into their lives and hearts.

Another bonus: A geisha themed work that I didn't do justice in photographing - it's gorgeous. All of Linda's work lives with me now in my studio. I look at it each day that I am in the studio and think about this wonderfully generous artist that lives so far away - I feel a kindred spirit tangling our lives together, it's like I have know her all my life.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, congratulations, Julie! She has wonderful things. I know you must be so happy to have won!


Sheila :-)

Unknown said...

Lovely dog, Julie!!!
So cute!!! ^^