October 16, 2009

Cancer Survivor Leather Cuff

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I put together this hammered and stamped leather cuff with "THERE IS MORE HERE THAN MEETS THE EYE" riveted to the tooled leather cuff perfect for those fighting breast cancer and the SURVIVORS.

Breast cancer brings out the lioness that lies quietly inside until she is needed and then we realize we have more strength than we ever thought we could possibly have. This bracelet celebrates the courage and strength every cancer patient musters to fight their disease.
I added pink rhinestones to the sides of the cuff for sparkle and to symbolize breast cancer awareness.

This cuff is available for sale in my etsy shoppe. Custom orders are also encouraged if you would like a more personal inscription - just send me an email HERE.


Leslie @ Bei Mondi said...

Gorgeous! Love the look and the message.

Dorthe said...

Julia, this is so very beautifull, I love the leather together, with the rhinestone.

Hugs Dorthe

Anonymous said...

very nice!! well done. xoxo