Gordon Wisner- Master Stone Mason gave me a tour of his property in Black Jack, MO. Gordon's tapestry of dry stone fences and mosaic fence posts and rails covers over half of his 40 acreas purchased in 1957 for $3,900.
I asked Gordon to tell me how old he was if he didn't mind and he just grinned and said that he was 81 years old.
As we walked from the house into the fields surrounding his house he had a quick step and moved like someone half his age. Gordon still uses a tractor and brushhog he purchased in the early 50's and uses a weed eater around every tree and fence, builds dry stack fences and rails, and continues to design new structures for his park every week. It is evident that he loves what he is doing and that the fresh country air and hard work suits him. He doesn't mind the hard work and grins while he talks about his latest project. Gordon is modest about his art and does not consider himself an artist. He just loves what he is doing. Don't you think the best artists always have this quality?

His dry rock fences border his property on both sides all made from rock found on his property.

The large rock on the left is a 3000 pound boulder donated by a neighboring Minonnite family.
Each mosaic post is unique and contain native rock, ceramic pieces, horseshoes, slate, glass, etc.
The rails are poured into a mold and adorned with thin natural stone pieces.

The property has the feel of a park or sanctuary with the gently sloping fields, wildflowers and dry stone walls. It has a natural beauty and quietness about it.

Gordon enjoys visitors and if he is home will gladly give a guided tour of his property which includes a very nice raised bed garden and his wife's flower gardens.
A friend told Gordon that he had seen his property on PBS, but Gordon said that he hadn't seen it himself yet. He said that it was news to

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